Sorry, but I am not sold yet. Luka has a tendency to be all nice and smiley when things are fine and dandy.

Wait until frustrations build up, when he doesn’t get calls and is getting hard fouled whole game, when he himself has a poor game or when his team mates won’t hit open threes. That’s when the fun begins.

That’s when he starts acting like a child and it’s painful to watch. Complaining, nagging, standing still on the offense and not getting back on defense. Qualities of a POOR leader!

If he is able to sustain this behavior he’s shown for the past three games, this is the next-level Luka. Its the right path he’s on but I am telling you now that you’re delusional if you think he is suddenly changed.

A smart man once told me “behavior patterns never dissapoint”. In my opinion we are looking at a drunk husband who’s suddenly all sweet when his wife leaves him and is willing to change. For a few days.

The intention is there. I just think things like these are pretty hard to change and we’re definitely going to witness old Luka again this season. If not, I’ll be the the most happy fan alive. But let’s be realistic about this, shall we?

  • DL-77B
    11 months ago

    Calling Luka a drunk husband is wild lol,

  • Un4go10OPB
    11 months ago

    Maybe he is not complaining because we are winning?

    I think it goes both ways.

    Cmon, this is a guy who just a couple of months back when playing vs. Canada, showed money gesture signs to the judges and was complaining whole game long. He got plenty of criticism here in Slovenia for his lack of leadership and bad energy.

    I am ENJOYING his new non-complaining approach but I’d advise some skepticism and patience.