A moms boyfriend let me borrow this game one time and I was too young to rlly play it but I remember cool things about it and wanna find it

Fantasy type game. Early on in the 360 lifespan. Third person maybe even overtheshoulder third person but not sure. Realistic graphics. I remember a lot of foresty environments to be walking through which would probably be early on in the game cause i never got far. Kinda slow movement. Fighting goblins and other weird looking mythical creatures. I think there was spells and a sword guy and a bow and arrow option or guy too. The game kinda had lord of the rings vibes but also like a final fantasy japanese killer pretty boys type vibes too.

The guy also had Overlord 2 and the game im talking about felt kinda similar to overlord but less silly

Thats rlly all ive got for a description. Its been a long time and I was young so I dont remember much.