Yes I agree tank has its issues, and I have experienced the back end of the unfun degenerate strategies available in the game. However, DPS is so insanely harder than tank for me that I feel obligated to apologize for complaining. I am out here getting punished for things in high silver that don’t seem to even affect me until mid plat on tank. Like you have to take risks, but you have none of the survivability of tank and no sustain either. Like literally 30 damage can change your whole plan. All your angles are the tiniest little straight line through spots that you have to know on each map, and if you aren’t clutch with your damage you just get instantly poked out of it. Meanwhile if you actually take an angle and trade half your HP for a kill you still have to get away from the enemy Moira who is sweating their ass off holding right click and fading after you. To be fair, I am buzzed and I am on echo, so some of this is naturally not going to go as well as if I just locked torb. It’s only natural that I’m uncomfortable with the controls a bit, but I have enough game sense to at least pressure the enemy and the difference between farming them and feeding is such a fine line. On the other roles I am wandering around out of cover and getting rewarded for it half the time. The fact that anyone can do this role is insane to me. I respect you all in a new way.