• 2011 Toyota Corolla. A little over 100,000 miles.

What I thought was just low tire pressure turned out to be caused by a nail in the front right tire.

I put the spare tire jack in upside down, so it was not stable and the jack (extended enough to get the tire off the ground) eventually tipped over causing the car to fall down.

Long story short, I was able to get the tire repaired and put back on.

While driving, I noticed that there was this noise like something rolling or scraping that seemed to be coming from that area. It would seem to increase when speeding up, or when I would turn right.

Other than that, the car is functioning normally.

I have an appointment tomorrow morning at the dealership and I’ll get an inspection done to figure out exactly what’s wrong.

Based on what I’ve described, any ideas on what might be wrong? I’m concerned I cost myself a lot of money just because I wasn’t thinking.