Kiriko, the anti-Ana, is supposed to be her counter. So why the HELL is her suzu being pushed back further that cleanses the most annoying ability in the game?

Do the right thing and give Biotic Grenade the same cooldown as Suzu! Both should be 14-15 seconds, I don’t care if they were 10 seconds, just match them in cooldown time. When Ana throws her stupid anti, I want my Kiriko to throw that stupid suzu right behind it.

Other than that, good job nerfing the annoying Wifeleaver who negated every kill, toning down Illari’s tree trunk sized hitscan projectile (should be 0 but whatever, 0.05 will do), and Zenyatta who made tanking impossible even if you took cover.

  • thoxoB
    11 months ago

    Keep in mind that Ana’s nade is not just for anti-ing enemy heroes. It’s a source of healing and defense for her against enemies diving or flanking her and a way of saving a teammate from a critical situation. Ana can nade multiple enemies at once, and Kiriko can cleanse multiple allies at once. Those cooldowns seem kinda fair.

    Also, Lifeweaver didn’t deserve such harsh nerfs, the main reason he heals too much is because he has been designed as a healbot since he doesn’t have the same disruptive potential as other supports.