I am looking for a server. Everyone knows the basics “on budget”, “expandable”, “don’t draw too much power” and “efficient”.

I could really use recommendations on what to buy or what way to go for a decision.

i want to run the following things:

- Container

- Docker

- 2x Vaultwarden, 5x Wordpress Websites, Nginx Proxy Manager, RustDesk, Element, NextCloud, TrueNas, CloudFlared, Plex/Jellyfin, MeshCentral, PiHole, Portainer, OpenVPN, ShLink, HomeAssistant, UptimeKuma

- VM (RD (Office Job))

- VM (RD (Office Job))

- VM (RD (Tinkering))

- VM (RD (Tinkering))

- VM (Management)

  • DarkKnytB
    11 months ago

    Almost anything reasonable in specs can do this. See the comment about single server vs multiple for HA

    Price is usually a factor and you didn’t give one. I say get a tower server for $15k and then be done with it!

    Second is space - get a 42U rack and be done with it! You see where this is going hopefully (noise, hard drive space, whatever).

    I will say that since you don’t really have anything that needs a a GPU for AI/ML or gaming or vGPU for your VMs, a modern processor with iGPU (ideally with AV1) will be more than good enough. The performance and efficiency cores on those modern CPUs will keep watts down. And without the need to shove a bunch of cards in your case, a smaller solution will probably be enough.

    I’m a fan of towers because that is what I have, fit my budget for an older gen, it’s quiet, reasonable on power expansion, and I can keep adding hard drives and cards to it (plus a blue ray drive that wanted).