I’ve seen a lot of people say that you can improve the quality of AI output by training a LORA. However, I don’t have the knawledge to train one, and I don’t have a lot of fiction to train it with. Is there somewhere I can go to look through LORAs that have already been trained?

Additionally, how would I use one? I know LM Studio and Oobabooga have sections where you can add a LORA, but I’d probably want to be able to use it with KoboldAI. I don’t see a LORA section in KoboldAI but I do see a section for Soft Prompts. Is that the same thing?

  • AutomataManifoldB
    11 months ago

    We really could use some more LoRAs, there’s no obvious central repository right now.

    I’m not sure about KoboldAI…I think koboldcpp has LoRA support, but I’m not sure about the KoboldAI interface itself.