So my 12 year old son is starting to get a little too comfortable with his new freedom of a school computer and a desk in his room. I do not believe he is doing anything he shouldnt be doing but being in the IT field, I am just cautious when he disapears into his room. Plus my wife and I want to make sure he is actually studying when he says he is. I am curious to see if anyone has any suggestions to see if there is a product we can put on our home network to see where he is going. Its a school computer so I don’t have any way to install anything on it. We have an ASUS router powering the network.

  • venquessaB
    11 months ago

    12! Good luck :)

    Mine is 6 and getting her first actual online tablet this year from Santa.

    In the meanwhile I am rapidly stablising an OpenVPN on pfSense with the worst proxy deny list you have ever seen! Her device will be configured like a corporate device such that if it connects to the wifi the VPN opens and all traffic goes via it… and via daddies firewall, ad-filter and SSFW proxy.