After silently judging as I scrolled through posts riddled with hot takes from 5 years ago I thought…

What are your hottest takes about how the NBA will look 5 years from now? (Go wild with your guesses, nobody will be judging you…)

My hot takes are

  1. Josh Giddy will be in the MVP race
  2. The Booklyn Nets will have either made or won the finals due to Bridges and Ben Simmons showing out
  3. LeBron will continue to refuse to retire, while still putting up 18/4/4. And will blame it on wanting to play with his wife’s uncles barbers daughters stepson 17 years from now.
  • downinCarolinaB
    11 months ago

    During the bucks preseason games it seems like they default to “give giannis the ball” rather than “let dame take it at the top of the key and direct the floor” so it’ll be interesting to see what they do with an elite point guard if they don’t trust them with first touch.