Hey people,

I clicked on some weird link promoting a twitch skin thing for a steam game and I am not sure what to do now. I closed the site immediately and ran an offline windows defender scan. A full scan is also running rn. I changed a few passwords from my phone, just to be safe and I also have multiple authenticators running for steam, paypal and such.

My PC sadly has quite a few important things on it and completely nuking my system would take ages because the backup drives are slow as heck. So I wonder now: am I safe? Was this just some page to bait me into typing in my login credentials (I dind’t type in anything). I still have the phishing link but I obviously can not post it here. These linktest sites say it’s a risky link that could contain malware.

Any ideas what to do now? Could a download even happen if I don’t click on anything except for the link itself? There was no download shown in firefox but I guess a well made phishing link would be able to hide any download.

Thanks for any help!

Edit: I used the Malware guide but I still don’t feel like I did enough. Hitman found some tracking cookie on Firefox that can’t be removed (mmstat.com pc0ijxcv.default-release-1642510785661\cookies.sqlite), the rest seems normal, just punkbuster and d3dx9_41.dll in system32, which set itself to ignore it)