Feels so bad chase someone with 20 hp with warwick and being unabble to reach him.
Hi, my name is Howler. I write this post as a warwick enjoyer to vent, really. I have four years playing Warwick jungle and now more than ever I feel that its necesity make some little change on how its kit works. Don’t misundertand me, I love its kit of abilities. I am going to resume the main issues i have:
· Warwick is so fkning (adjective intensifier) slow.
· My grandma clean camps faster than Warwick.
· He doesn’t have any dash, but its R. Which wouldn’t be a problem at first, if only every other champ didn’t have more movespeed, more attack range or 20 (exhageration) more dashes than him in its kit.
· Warwick is force to build mainly tank items while being a Bruiser, to be remotely useful for its team on teamfights.
Now i am going to elaborate some points:
Objectively, Warwick can be built almost any item in the game, but what’s the point? If you build Ap your Q deals a lot of damage but you lose damage on everything else (although Nahsor’s Tooth helps) and you are very fragile. If you build full Ad damage, you’ve wasted money because nothing scales Ad, you still do the same damage as you would if you built tank items, you just die sooner. And finally, if you build tank items, you take a lot of damage from the enemy team but you don’t deal damage, and since you don’t deal damage, you don’t heal from your passive lifesteal, so you die quickly and lose the E.
In the end one builds the objects he wants depending on what the team needs. To give an example that we all understand (If you have played Pokemon), it is like a MO’s placeholder. It’s not useful, but the team needs it.
What would I do to improve your situation?
Boosting what is supposed to be Warwick’s strong point (aside from lifesteal). Which is catching enemies with little life. To do this, this is the change I propose:
Blood Hunt (Warwick’s W)
PASSIVE: Warwick senses all enemy champions on the map who are damaged below Health icon 50% of their maximum health by an allied source, marking them with Blood Hunt until they regenerate or heal above this threshold again. He sees trails leading toward them and gains bonus movement speed while following a trail. This bonus is lost for 0.5 seconds upon entering champion combat, but will build up again over 3.5 seconds.
PASSIVE: Warwick senses all enemy champions on the map who are damaged below 50% of their maximum health (Remove the ally damage source reference), marking them with Blood Hunt until they regenerate or heal above this threshold again. He sees trails leading toward them and gains bonus movement speed while following a trail. (Remove the part where the bonus movement speed fades on combat)
ACTIVE: Warwick senses the nearest enemy champion in the area, marking them with Blood Hunt for 8 seconds, gaining both passive bonuses against them regardless of their current health.
ACTIVE: Warwick senses the nearest enemy champion in the area, marking them with Blood Hunt for 8 seconds, gaining both passive bonuses against them regardless of their current health. Although, the movement speed bonus is lost for 0.5 seconds upon entering champion combat, but will build up again over 2 seconds. (The movement speed bonus fades only if comes from the Active of Blood Hunt)
Blood Hunt is placed on a 3-second static cooldown during champion combat. Additionally, while no enemy champions are marked, the current cooldown of Blood Hunt runs out twice as quickly - it is reduced by an additional second for each second passed.
Blood Hunt can’t be used on combat.
Blood Hunt cooldown runs out twice as quickly while no enemy champions are marked - it is reduced by an additional second for each second passed. (I don’t know why overcomplicate this much this part)
Passive movement speed bonuses from his W are not lost in combat. If these bonuses come from the W Active, they are lost in combat.
Just saying, I don’t think trying these changes will kill anyone (except those who are at less than 50% health).
If a Rammus can gank you at 80 km/h at any time, why shouldn’t he be able to warwick you if you are badly injured.
Imo Warwick mostly just needs bugfixes and QoL changes. His W is insanely inconsistent turning on and off. The rapidly changing attack speed and the movement speed not working is very frustrating. Make his attack speed buff apply to the attack when they’re low, not after you hit them.
His Q is very funky with getting into range and holding to follow people. His ult is too inconsistent and for a deadly hunter dream, he comically misses so often, especially against good players who slightly dodge.