I feel that their most recently announced changes by giving Mages Attack Speed buffs to smoothen their laning phase last hitting is a good example of a positive QoL Buffs that some champs needed.
I feel that there is a lot of room for a lot of champions that need QoL Buffs in their kits somewhere.
A few examples:
- Urgot R Execute indicator on enemy’s health bar should update accordingly whether he will be able to execute them when the target is shielded.
- Urgot W Target Focus indicator should be displayed on targets when he uses his abilities on them in order to let the player know if his W will focus on that target or other targets because it gets quite hectic in teamfights and it’s hard to keep track of who it will focus upon hitting multiple enemies with abilities.
- Malzahar needs a display bar that showcases the number of stacks he has generated for his W.
- Soraka R should show how much it will heal her and her allies (similar system to when a champion uses an ability that heals them over time, and it shows how much it will heal) on their healthbar to know when her R Passive is activated.
- Varus needs a proper Passive indicator that his Allies could recognise, whether it’s a special healthbar icon or an outline glow when he kills champions, just something. Most of the time people don’t know what his Passive is, and they don’t usually let you activate it before a teamfight.
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