So, obviously with each new update to his list, some notable cheap IEM, is always on top.

Like thieaudio monarch, moondrop etc. (Mostly Chi-fi companies)

Im wondering how much these companies pay him to keep their IEM on top?

I personally think his list is a very good reference point for beginners, and I personally refer to his list as well before making a purchase.

But there are obvious places where some things don’t belong, ex blessing 2 being above many kilobuck IEM’s, due to tonality/technicality.

Like the 64 audio U12t being below two moondrop IEM’s??

I can agree with the tonality part being subjective, but technicality?

I’ve listened to both the blessing 2 and other IEM’s and moondrop clearly lacks on that end.

I can state many other examples, but this one is the most prevalent.

  • aanoynomusOPB
    11 months ago

    What even.

    1)I did not publish anything, neither do I have any solid evidence, it is purely speculation.

    2)Largest headphone forums my ass. Barely 5000 people even saw it.

    3)If anything, his image only got better, thanks to all the meat-riding crinarmy out there.

    1. I’m not KZ.