Love where the team is going, love the job Dan and Brad have done, and don’t really care that much about the trade deadline.

My issue is moreso that, when you read threads in this sub, people who question moves or express concern about any aspect of the team get mass downvoted and ridiculed. It seems like the vast majority of the vocal commenters on this sub just wait for the Lions to do (or not do) something before vigorously defending whatever the Lions did with their life.

A giant circle jerk is not fun - dissenting opinions foster discussion which is critical in maintaining a healthy discourse.

I remember people defending Quinn and Patricia until the day they were fired, but I do not recall things ever being this bad. I think people should be allowed to express disappointment about the trade deadline. I also think it’s possible (even likely) that a lack of moves, such as not beating the 49ers offer for Young, may have more to do with the fact that the deal wasn’t available FOR THE LIONS than Holmes’ unwillingness to match or exceed the offer.

  • TheMagicalJohnsonB
    11 months ago

    I’ve done some digging on the blind hater and blind blower contingent on here and made a shocking discovery. these haters and sunshine blowers are all on the payroll of this shady government agency called the “social security administration”.

    I’m off, going to look into this organization further.