22 of out the current 23 PL refs are English. The other is Australian (the first non UK referee in PL history)

Genuine question, why do they just hire English people with a refereeing license? Seems a bit off. Jobs for the boys? Are they all mates?

The only argument I could imagine people having is “communicating ideas and feelings” correctly in the English language. This would be an idiotic argument because:

  1. Most mainland Europeans speak perfect English

  2. Did you see the disallowed Liverpool goal? Two dead/ blind people would’ve communicated that better.

I think if you were to make a top 10 referee list in the world maybe one would be English. Why does the PL want the best clubs, players and league in the world but not the best refs?

Seems dodgy to me.

  • uncledooeyB
    11 months ago

    I feel like they should hire the best refs in the world for the best league in the world and you’d have to think that some of them aren’t English… but to others points, other leagues have shit refs too lol. I feel like Euro and WC refs sometimes have some good ones, maybe send those guys an offer