Poor Kahlani,inexperienced and dickmatized by her chippy Dallas. She actually sees this new guy as a new relationship. She hasn’t been around long enough to know that chances are very slim he will care about her when the cameras are done rolling, when another hot chick makes herself available to him,etc. I believe she will be crying over her decision to upend her kids very soon. She’s naive and, I’m sure, easily influenced by Mr newbee’s physical advances into believing this can replace her married life. He probably likes the t.v. limelight for now and, most likely, he’s already got a roving eye. She is basing everything on how SHE feels…infatuated. I’m betting that she will be re evaluating her marriage to Asuelu very soon…if he’s not already “Booed up”, maybe they’ll reconsider their relationship. Hopefully she can put his hateful family out of her mind and life. Agree???