Darcelle Street
For context, Darcelle was a the oldest drag performer who passed away recently and he was a huge part of the city
There’s a law in place that we have to wait 5 years to change a street name to be named after someone who passed away and the amount of support that street name change already has means it’ll likely happen
Luck St. After Andrew Luck. Guy deserves something.
Lil Marco
High Road. So many jokes
Got one of those in Tallahassee. Can confirm about the many jokes.
I’d like to see an old classic brought back. Gropecunt Lane.
Street Rd. It should intersect with Road St.
Oh, why yes, I’d like to see the world on fire. Regular gasoline is fine, thank you.
No Way or alternatively Wrong Way
9th avenue. We have a 1-8, and 10-17, but no 9th. The street where 9th would be is named after the town and it eats me that I’ve lived here my whole life and have no idea why.