Currently ordering Boxster for the European delivery program (EDP) and everything was fine and dandy until a few days ago when my dealer called me saying that Porsche EU is not as flexible as they can be and that my delivery dates are Jan through March 2024, when it will be snowing in Europe.

The whole plan was that the car was going to be ready in the spring/summer and delivered back to the US in the summer/fall. This new plan completely puts a roadblock my plans because I have a Tesla who’s lease will end in June, so it was going to time up great. If I take delivery of the car in Jan/Feb, I won’t have a spot for the car for months!

What should I do? Has anyone else experienced this issue before? It seems kinda insane that I’m being kicked around like this when I’m spending 100k on a car. Kinda just makes me want to cancel my order even though I’ve been looking forward to this car for 6 months already.

  • UnabridgedtacoB
    11 个月前

    Correction: you won’t have a spot for months for the Tesla

  • IndyRiley1958B
    11 个月前

    When it comes to the bureaucrats your hands are tied. Firstly, DON’T GIVE UP. It appears you don’t want to drive Europe in the winter; if so take delivery from you dealer and make arrangements for a short term lease if needed. You won’t regret it!