Hey there,

I bought two WD RED 14 TB drives (7200 RPM) recently for mass storage, and added all of my data to both of them which are now synced via ‘rsync’.

My issue is this:

- Every 5 secs, I can hear like a ‘data read’ type noise --> Not necessarily as bad as a hard drive failure click, but something noticeable. Its kind of slight loud, and hard to ignore. It doesn’t sound awful, but I can’t like ‘not hear it’ which is getting annoying.

I notice them in tandem since they are the same drive aka as soon as 5 secs go by --> one makes the read noise, and the other makes a read noise shortly there after.

I am using Linux so I observed this issue on the same machine via Ubuntu Server, and Linux Mint.

Anyone else notice this? Is this normal? Asking since I can probably just zero out the drives and return them, but would need to know if I can maybe force it to do this kind of idle read every few minutes or something.

Figured I would ask you guys, thanks.

  • BackToPlebbit69OPB
    11 months ago

    I’m assuming this is ‘SMART’ monitoring right off the bat.

    Can I adjust this or is there no way to just make it do this check maybe once a minute or something?