Tough loss tonight guys, it stinks having an injured team and blowing it in the 4th quarter.

But I have to say it; the state of this community is really embarrassing right now. What was once a place to have constructive basketball chats has turned into a place of anger, witch hunting, finger pointing, and terrible vibes vaulted by blissful ignorance. On a night where we blow a lead in the 4th quarter, almost every comment is blaming a player that wasn’t on the floor when we blew the lead. To suggest anything otherwise is resulting in downvotes, harassment, and comments clearly fueled by anger.

If you haven’t figured it out I’m talking about Killian Hayes at this point. I’m one of his biggest supporters, because I’m an optimist, and I love rooting for anyone in a Pistons jersey (excluding Steve Blake). It is crushing me watching you actively root for a player on your own teams downfall.

What are we gonna do around here when Hayes is gone and we keep blowing 4th quarter leads? I doubt wiseman will be around any longer if that’s who your next target is.

Things are to the point that copy and pasting legitimate stats from the box score is resulting in exponential downvoting if it doesn’t fit a common narrative. Some poor guy pointed out that Killian had +6 in the box +/- and was downvotes to the bottom of the thread. That is plainly factual information, yet the sub greets it with denial and anger. How is that negativity helping anyone?

Before these comments start coming in droves, I’ll address this: I agree Killian had a bad game tonight, and he didn’t look confident with his shooting. He needs to improve if he wants to stick on this team. But he had 3 steals, and didn’t freeze the offense out by playing iso ball like many in efficient guards do. He had the best +/- of any guard on the team, and had good body language supporting his teammates on the bench. Could y’all find something else to talk about for Peton sake?

  • Det_Sports_GuyB
    11 months ago

    Yes, free him to the waiver wire and free agency by waiving his trash ass