I just purchased my first remarkable 2, I have severe ADHD that has caused me to leave my “thought books” (small moleskine journals, 32 of them more specifically) so I am seeking advice from veterans

How have you found is best to organize your R2?

  • MidgetAtAFoamPartyB
    11 months ago

    ADHD here too. Which means, disclaimer, my setup constantly changes because I confuse mental chaos with “something’s wrong with my organization and I have to fix it NOW” :)

    I try to use the RM2 as a short term memory, to externalize my thinking while doing stuff. I found a few things that help me:

    • In general, being very very picky with the functionality I use. Tags, too many notebooks, using fancy hyperlinked PDF documents, all give me choice paralysis and too much unnecessary overhead when I’m trying to put pen to paper.
    • Just simple notebooks all at the root, so it’s all in plain sight.
    • A notebook per “activity”. For me that means: “working on work projects”, “working on personal projects”, “journaling” and “sketching”. Since the latest picked template and tool is remembered within each notebook, that means my “sketching” notebook sticks to white paper and pencil when I create a new page, while project notebooks are fineliner and grid, etc.
    • One page per day for journal, one per “open loop” for projects, etc.
    • Folders are for not-now stuff. Like books to read later, etc. I keep the book I’m currently reading at the root level, next to my few notebooks.
    • I favorite my journal, work and personal projects notebook, so that during productive hours I can switch between braindumping for a personal project, working on my work task, do some interstitial journaling to ground myself, …

    Not entirely sure how I’ll do archiving, or if I’ll just treat most notebooks as ephemeral scrap paper. I’m thinking of doing a monthly clean up where I email myself PDF exports and recreate empty notebooks.