First off, let me be clear when I say I hate playing ADC. I suck at farming, can’t really position well so I end up popping like a balloon, and I feel like too much pressure is placed on the shoulders of an ADC to carry. However, lately, I’ve been feeling Ezreal and Jhin, and I love playing them both, but I just started so of course, my mechanics suck. With Ez, I miss Q’s like my dad missed my birthdays, and with Jhin, I stand around like a goofball not knowing what to do when he’s reloading, or end up trying to keep my 4th shot for too long and he automatically reloads.
What do you guys think would be a good ADC between the two to start on and practice? Easier to grasp and play, and more fit for below average player that just wants to enjoy some League?
I suck at farming
say no more, pick Ezreal. since Jhin is a literal nightmare for those with bad cs skills.
Ashe. She’s normal what I recommend for beginners. She has poke, range, and most importantly, she’s always useful. Even if you’re losing, her ultimate is always useful. She also provides you with safety by giving you vision when you need it the most. And another reason is that she needs to stack up her q. It’ll teach you how to manage stacks, and that can be transferred to learning how to better control jhin bullets. And lastly, she’s fun. Her slows are a great tool that let you kite your opponents while they rage inside for being perma slowed