I don’t know if any of y’all saw the [HNY_NUT Berrios mic-ed up clip…] (https://youtu.be/G0WpU8BZcc8?si=sxCkBNQPCzIKZKjJ)

But what i thought was most interesting was how WIDE Claypool’s eyes were… He seemed the smallest guy out there, humbled.

The lights, the crowd, the buzz the energy…

He was last on the bench… Just looking to fit in.

The past was gone…nobody cared about Pittsburgh… Nobody cared about Chicago.

He was a tiny piece of a Dolphin machine full of lights and speed and cheering…

He was no longer a big dog… He was a baby shark, in a school of monsters… Waiting for scrapes…

And it looked like he desperately loves being a Dolphin.

I don’t know by accident…or happenstance…he wears #83…

Now i don’t know about you younger fins… But #83… Instantly gives him the spot light… You can’t fuck up wearing #83…

That’s a top 10 OG dolphin #…

I wish the young lad well… Miami is a magical place.

Now, every one wants our Coachs, our plays our players…he may be here another 10 years…

He may get a million some where else.

Good luck Chasepool… Gets some dubs… Get a cellie…keep ya head down and Do what Mike, Tua and Reek tell you… You’ll be fine

  • JustTheBeerLightB
    11 months ago

    Change the post title to “Cedrick Wilson” and you’ll get my upvote. CW has stepped up the past two weeks and made some plays!

    I hope Claypool produces for us. His size adds another dimension to our offense.

  • ProtectTheHellB
    11 months ago

    It also helps that our top playmakers also do the dirty work like blocking and opening up the field for others so he can see what it takes to be a part of a team.