First my two low hanging fruit ideas

  1. Automate the 5 second count for inbound passes, could also be done for 8 second violations, and 3 seconds in the paint

  2. Use the “shot track” tennis tech for every “did they touch the line” situation. (I know they are doing a limited rollout this season but it should be fully implemented)

And my out there idea:

Allow live substituting when transitioning from offense to defense, and maybe vice versa. Im not sure of all the particularities, the goal in mind is to speed up the game and keep it flowing with fresh players. It must not give any kind of positional advantage but it could put you at a disadvantage, and I dont think a team should be allowed to alternate lineups back and forth on consecutive possessions between offense and defense. Maybe it should be limited to one player per team at a time per possession. Like I said Im not sure of the particularities but I think it would make the game more dynamic as coaches can change the make up and style of the game on the fly

Another plus is when a player is gassed they can just get a sub and run off, this way you have the best energy on the court and maybe avoid mistakes like turnovers, fouls, and maybe even injuries caused from exhaustion