The sun sucks, being forced to shower like every 4 hours just to not feeling sweaty, the fucking mosquitoes, the fact you can’t wear anything that you want anymore due the heat, the people outside… The fucking beach. I try to avoid it… The fucking sand, not a fan of it. Is scratchy, harsh, annoying and it infiltrates in every nook and cranny. Is not worth the annoyance just to shower yourself with salt water.

    3 months ago

    Go outside in 40°C weather for a bit, come back inside, sit in front of air conditioner, be just fine in a couple of minutes

    Go outside in even 10°C weather for a second, come back inside, freezing to death even in front of a heater for an hour because cold or even very cool weather chills me to the bone and it takes forever for me to get warm again

    Yeah, I prefer summer.