I have been playing CIV 6 since launch and get every expansion. Generally I play a game or 2 then burnout and come back a couple weeks/months later and do it again. But lately its all I play and I was finally able to win a Deity match. This inspired me to win every victory type on Deity. Which then inspired me to win with every character on deity.

I have played about 10 leaders since starting and I realize, I do not like Deity. I like the challenge but I hate that every game ends up being the same. Scout Scout Settler. Rush Governments. Work Ethic Monumentality, spam settlers. Play wide. Generally have to pick a victory type early (I play epic or marathon).

I miss playing Emperor, but now that I go back I find it to easy. Anyone have gameplay or mod ideas to mix things up and still provide a challenge without the needs to run the same strats to win?

EDIT: Alternatively, ways to make Deity more fun and strategies to focus to play different ways?

  • fediverser
    7 months ago

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