I know everyone is getting out their DJ feels but wanted to say a few things regarding his tenure. I know this is an unpopular opinion but I’m glad he got paid. This guy got screwed in every way possible every season. Bad coaching, bad protection, bad weapons. Do I wish the Giants were not in this situation regarding dead cap and an injured/injury prone QB? Absolutely. Am I sad John Mara, who has run this organization into the ground with nepotism, has to pay out his contract? Absolutely not.

That being said this injury will allow DJ to be the martyr he deserves to be. Moving forward, I know we are going to get better. (Yes, I am stupid and do have hope in this regime despite everything I have seen this season.) But DJ was a transition guy who inherited an awful situation and could have had his course changed with a little more support. Guy took it on the chin every week, no drama. He is not the guy, but he is the guy for how he has handled this steaming bag of crap.

The next martyr will be Saquon, who will not make it to see the full regime change while he is still good.

See you all on Sunday!

Update: Just wanted to follow up on the “you’re a player fan not a team fan cult”. Stop using that BS tag line as if other Giants fans want to see the Giants lose. I would love to see any of you negotiate that contract after last season where Jones lead them to the playoffs looking like a stud most of the way. That is the most 20/20 hindsight take of all time and I know none of you would have made that comment after they beat the Vikings last season.

  • poorlytimed_erectionB
    11 months ago

    youre glad the franchise is in a worse position so that daniel jones can be “the martyr he deserves to be”?

    jones had already made 25 million dollars, he will now make 100 million in his career.

    also jones is not entirely a victim of circumstance, he also just wasnt that good.