So I was just organising my shortcuts in Desktop Mode into folders (thank you new 2TB SSD for housing everything I own now) and the Deck froze.

No problem, I left it a while to see if it would figure itself out.

No dice- frozen even though I could move the mouse cursor, couldn’t perform any actions with it.

So I tried holding the power button until I heard the little beep/jingle and expected it to boot, but now no matter what I do I only get this 😣

Any advice would be massively appreciated, please help!

Thank you

  • RakidasOPB
    11 months ago

    I’ve seen other folks on this board saying that a new update seems to have put them in the same lousy position, hanging on the logo eternally. I’m wondering, does this mean I have to pick up a USB-C stick and put a recovery image on it? I cloned my drive with an enclosure when I swapped them out so I didn’t lose my stuff. Even went into BIOS mode and tried Battery Storage Mode and no dice once I plugged it back in.

  • Known_Assignment1554B
    11 months ago

    Try removing the SD card and retry booting. That usually makes mine boot right away.

  • RakidasOPB
    10 months ago

    Welp, I’m calling it gents: reinstalling SteamOS from a micro SD recovery image leaves me on the same godforsaken frozen logo, so a full re-image it is. The aim of cloning was keeping all my stuff but fuck me I guess lol it’s more important that this highly expensive machine works again. If a full re-image doesn’t work then I am officially fresh the fuck out of ideas. Thanks to all the commenters who came with advice, y’all are awesome