Spideraxe on Twitter:

K’Sante changes:

  • Now replaces Hexflash with Magical Footwear

  • P ult mark damage changed from 45% - 75% (6-18) to 30% - 78% (1-18)

  • Q base damage reduced from 30 - 150 to 30 - 130

  • Q cost increased from 15 to 27 - 15

  • E base shield increased from 45 - 125 to 50 - 210

  • E shield ratio reduced from 15% bonus HP to 10%

  • R base attack damage reduced from 15 - 45 to 10 - 40

Granted, there are several changes on K’Sante on PBE right, but the first one seems like the outlier here. Automatically swapping out a rune is not uncommon and is always applied when a rune cannot be utilized on the given champion. For example, Cassiopeia cannot use Magical Footwear as a rune because the champion is unable to build any boots on her items.

This seems like the first change where a rune cannot be used despite the fact that it can be applied no problem on a champion. An odd way to balance a champion.

Personally, while this could solve some issues, this seems like a scuffed way to do it. So far, it’s also not noted anywhere that K’Sante is blacklisted from using Hexflash, so players will miss the memo. There’s got to be a better solution than that.


  • TheZombieGodB
    11 months ago

    I play champs who have basic abilities that exceed 100 mana cost, and this champion somehow not only gets reduced costs per rank in Q, but it is still only 15 mana at max rank…… Make it make sense.