Why do I want to switch?

I have ran Linux Mint 21.2 for roughly a year and some change. While it is an excellent choice and provided a smooth transition out of Win10, I have ran into some things that I don’t like.

Now all of my complaints are fairly arbitrary and debatable. For example, I needed bleeding edge support for a GPU I purchased recently, and while you are absolutely able to acquire that kind of support on Mint 21.2/Ubuntu 22.04, I did have to jump through quite a few hoops.

Plus I’m not entirely certain I fixed all of the support issues, or did it in a stable or recommended way. For someone who is more intelligent, I’m certain that kind of OS customization is trivial, which is why I consider my desire to change personal and subjective.

I’ve been considering Debian 12, though my concern here is whether it will support my GPU. From what I’ve seen, the oldest kernel I’ve been recommended to use is 6.3 I think, and Debian 12 is running 6.1.

What I am looking/will use it for:

  • A system that is not going to blindside me with complete failure.
    • I don’t think there are many scenarios that this would apply to as I’m an extremely cautious user. I never update/change anything unless I am confident I can return to a working state before I need to return to my work from home job on a Monday. That being said, I do need it to be consistent as my job depends on having a working machine, Monday through Friday.
    • For context, I work as a web developer and use things like Apache2, MySQL, Intellij, Node, Golang, Docker, I think you get the idea…
  • Software engineering work.
  • Support for fairly new hardware - 7800xt AMD GPU.
  • Music engineering.
    • I use Reaper as my DAW of choice. This is just a hobby so I’m okay with needing to do a bit of leg work to get things the way I like it.
  • Video editing.
    • Sometimes I work on little things here and there, like editing a friend’s video for a YouTube thing.
  • Video games.
  • Video game development - I’ve been building a retro top down RPG for a while now and currently use Godot.
    • I also use Aseprite to create my own assets/pixel art.
  • CosmicEmotionB
    11 months ago

    OpenSUSE Aeon? It’s bleeding edge, immutable and awesome. :)