With Messi being a freak of nature, any player including Pele , Maradona and now CR7 would be under his shadow. But let’s assume,Messi somehow does not exist, how would CR7 be viewed? Would he be the undisputed greatest like Micheal Jordon for football, considering all the league titles and champions league he lost to Messi’s Barcelona.

  • carbust20B
    11 months ago

    Depends on if he would have still been a giant douche. My guess is he still would be.

  • FireStrikerXB
    11 months ago

    Fuck michael jordan man. Fuck lebron james. Fuck that tall big guy sport and these basket ball player comparisions. Being an indian, its so funny to see another fellow indian speaking like ignorant american. Lol

    • alexoviccB
      11 months ago

      I’m European, but I simply don’t understand the appeal of basketball.

      First of all, if you aren’t lucky to have 6’6+ genes in your family, you’re completely screwed, no matter how talented you are. In football you can be world class, no matter if you’re 5’4 or 6’7, if you’re skinny or strong.

      Second, football is the most popular sport in the whole world. Basketball is only popular in the US and some European countries, most of the times the ones with average football teams (Slovenia, Lithuania, Serbia etc). So, apart from Lebron and Giannis, I wouldn’t recognize any basketball player if I saw them on the street.

      Finally, most of the game is useless. If every game it’s gonna end 132-128 (or slightly lower in Europe), what’s the point of celebrating any point scored? In football every goal counts and people celebrate like crazy, because usually only 0-5 goals are scored by both teams in each game. In basketball, if there’s a tight game, just watch the final two minutes and you’re good to go. Can you imagine a football game where every team would score 10 goals each and people would only care if it would end 11-10 or 10-11 in the end? Lmao