It is so obvious. Whenever someone criticises anything, they are told to get good, they get downvoted and they are shunned for claiming that ranking up is not in the player’s control, or that ranking up is more RNG than skill.

Every ranking run I have had over the past 2 months (so 5 wins or 15 losses thing) includes leavers, AFK players or derankers. Every third game I play features one of these three in my team or enemy team. When I win, it isn’t because I was a good player. And when I lose, I certainly can’t be blamed for it.

“You are almost there dude. Just die less. Make sure your positioning is good” Bro I am consistently the best healer in my games. I always make sure I pick synergizing heroes. “It is so easy to get to Diamond just stick with one hero”. Nah bro. You know this is false. How can this be true when I am BANKROLLING my team with the other support or our tank? When I play Mercy, I have so many clutch rez’s on the payload that the team is freaking out in voice chat yelling HUGE REZ. When I play Moira, I play her on such narrow maps with such comps that every single orb quickly exhausted from healing so many people. When I play Zen (RIP my boy) I focus down that tank so hard or I see that Pharah and instantly orb + charge shoot her down.

I am positive, I give lots of info, I reinforce positive communication from other people. I kid along with the enemy team. I discuss comp with people. I kindly ask people to switch and don’t pressure them into it. “Play with whatever you are most comfy with”.

It is so tiresome to play this game when winning the game depends on sooo many variables that are independent of your control. I don’t even understand what is wrong with this game to have such a masssive amount of leaver/afk/deranker. I have played so many games over the years and none of those games have had such a huge issue with these kind of people.

I just can’t get past beyond Plat 1. The moment I hit Plat 1, I am instantly bombarded with leavers and derankers, or the enemy team has such a Hanzo that it is impossible to get into the point. Of course, my team never has a Sombra whereas the enemy team’s Sombra just sits in front of our spawn and my teammates just get picked one by one.

Believing in the idea that “it is just skill bro just get better positioning you are almost there” is no different than believing in the American Dream. Of course, if I work 12 hours a day, kiss my boss’ butt, don’t eat anything and invest in stocks, maybe I will get lucky and climb that corporate ladder and finally own a house in the suburbs with a backyard, a Cadillac and a car. But no man, the idea that ranking up in Overwatch competitive is purely based on skill is suchhh a ridiculous idea.

“You are wrong bro because I thought exactly like you did when I was in Bronze and after some time I eventually got into Diamond! It is possible!”. Of course dude, you just got lucky. And guess what, tens of thousands of players are probably twice as better as you are, and they are hardstuck in their Tier because you were the one whose dozens of variables eventually multiplied into a stochastically acceptable value. Any effort I put in is instantly cancelled by randomly lost games because SKILL HAS ZERO RELATION with your Tier level since the game DOES NOT differentiate between the worst player losing the game and an MVP losing the game. They both “lost” and it shows as “one loss”.

4 losses out of my last 10 losses happened because of leavers or derankers. Skill-based matchmaking is a myth. Ranking up is RNG in the 5 win / 15 loss system since individual player score has zero influence on the rank you receive. Your influence is diluted beyond recognition the moment an AFK/leaver/deranker is in your match, which is for me statistically 33% of all the matches I have played over the last 2 weeks.

Thanks for your downvote.