I spend a lot of time fixing things, for myself and others. (Computers, electrical, plumbing, etc). While I learn a lot, I wonder sometimes if it would be better to pay a professional and do something else for which I am more ‘valuable’. Do you do the same, and do you find it worthwhile?
I’m super involved in the back end of a niche industry, and own a small company. I used to get asked to consulting calls all the time by companies like Alpha Sights and GHG Consulting, so I made my hourly rate much higher than their suggested rate ($200) so I would get fewer requests. Based on the revenue of my company, I shouldn’t bother pulling away from work less than that rate. 👍
$100 per hour.
The company I work for makes roughly 10m in revenue.
There are 2000 work hours in a year.
There are 50ish total employees.
So 10m÷2k÷50=100.