So the whole purpose of this change was to less the pressure on tanks and Zen’s death at the same time. I guess it was successful in low rank or quick play for sure, but in rank game at least above diamond, it was both unseccessful.
Tanks who were easily countered by Zen like Roadhog, Ramattra, Junker Queen and Reinhardt still suffer hard when enemy team has Zen. As they should eventually move forward and fight in a close distance without mobility, so they don’t really have a chance to hide behind a wall or something.
However, discord orb is meaningless to tanks who have a chance to remove discord orb like Zarya, Orisa, Sigma and dive tanks. The problem with this is they are the best tanks now and yet there is no support hero to directly counter some of them.
For example, Zarya. Before the support nerfs, there were heroes to counter her in a defensive way but not offensive except Zen. So literally supports couldn’t really do something to kill Zarya except Zen but now not even him. As Zarya is just completely immune to discord orb without exaggeration now. For, Sigma. No supports can really do something to kill him; Baptiste is better to break his shield than Zen and Illari is good too, but they can’t really help breaking Sigma himself without ultimates. For Orisa, now no support except Ana can’t really do something to kill her.
Zen was rather countered by dive tanks before and now even worse as they can just pull back for 1.5 seconds and go dive again as their mobility has much less cooldwon than 7 seconds of discrod orb.
The Zen change makes tanks who were countered by Zen still suffer, but tanks who weren’t be immune to him and yet they are the best tanks now.
The change failed.