And why do you hate it so much
Tinker/arc warden. There is many in a heroes in this patch, but I hate to play with сын дяди фёдора и долбоёба с биполяркой
It depends on who I’m playing as but my most common ban pick is probably WD. Dealing 5000 pure damage to the entire team just isn’t fun to play against
CK. Because that mf can die 6 times in lane and still be able to come back to lane evenly with the offlaner.
Spectre. Hate losing 60 minute games to that biatch
Right now it’s chaos knight. Fucker farms too fast, gets too tanky. U shut him down in lane, he farms ancients with phantasm and crit. Gets more farmed than my carry. I build euls or force or glimmer or aeon? He gets nullifier. There ain’t enough counterplay other than picking witch doctor or spirit breaker.
Witch Doctor. I just really hate dealing (dying) with his ult.
…I forgot when the last time I saw a WD in my match. :)
Phantom Lancer. If not counter-picked, GG.
Anit-fun. “Gee, I love having no mana to do anything, this is super fun” he said sarcastically.
Either of these in turbo especially
Sniper - in my bracket, he is menace PA - same reason Necro - same reason
Tinker - at least 70% chance of being a Smurf and then the game is completely lost.
Crusader here
Pudge. Not because I dislike playing against him, I just don’t want a fucking pudge player on my team.
Sniper, because is often a pain to have bot in your team as well as the enemy’s.
Arc Warden and LD. when the classic immortal shows up to our ancient/divine games they always pick it and outplay us.
Witch doctor… press R die before I can stun. Like I know it’s called the death ward, but c’mon
Do you really need to ask?
PL as a support I can’t itemize against them if they get big.