Are you radically different than your younger self? Are there key elements that have stayed the same? Most parts? Do you feel as if you’ve followed the “roadmap of life” or forged your own path? Have there been “chapters” or do things all sort of slide into one contiguous flow? Share what you’d like!

    1 month ago

    Am I radically different than my younger self? Hmm, I’ve become truer to my younger self than I ever was in my early-mid twenties.

    I grew my hair back out when it started thinning because I had it grown out when I was a teenager. I only ever cut it short to please others. I figured If I was gonna go bald, I’d enjoy what’s left while I had it.

    My politics moved left from the neoliberal views I used to hold once I realized how entrenched financial interests were responsible for almost every longterm societal problem. I figure If I become A full blown tankie by the time I’m 72, I will have done something right.

    I have always been a staunch atheist but I have recently discovered the peace associated with spirituality like that proposed by Sam Harris. Philosophy has become much more important to me in general. I’ve always wanted to volunteer in my community and now I do

    I realized that sometimes life won’t let you follow the road map no matter how badly you want it. -All I can do is try not to stress too much over it. I’m In the latter half of my 30s now.

    • cashmaggot@piefed.socialOP
      1 month ago

      Yo, can you explain this tankie thing? Cause I seen people being grumpy as fudge about it on here. And I was like - what? Is? A? Tankie? YO!? And then I tried to look it up and was further confused and said I just don’t think I get the internet. I’m gunna chill for the rest of today. And so, I did =P!

      I too enjoy a cup of spirituality. I was going to church for a spin or three (I used to go to a temple but I don’t have one around) but I have such utter grumpy feels about finding that someone might have diddled a skittle that I dropped it all for now. I figured I’d just keep going in my own way. Philosophy is a blast, I was practicing stocism for a while because I am an extremist. But then looked at Putin, figured he’s probably the most stoic human being alive and decided to drop it.

      I’m glad you got into the volunteer scene =)

      Same age homie-g! Sounds like we’re walking some similar brain-goo =)!

        1 month ago

        There’s a chance I may regret posting this but a “Tankie” is a militant communist, one that still approves of the Governments of China, Russia, and possibly the DPRK even though hardly anything about those countries today resemble the Communism Marx, Engels, and even Lenin once wrote about. The term is often considered pejorative.

    • cashmaggot@piefed.socialOP
      1 month ago

      Big hugs =(!

      While I don’t have kids, I did live next to methheads for a good chunk of change and they wrecked my sleep and I think they made my brains go further cuckoo and for sure aged me up. Sleep is such an integral part of existing, I hope they calm down soon and you get some solid zzzs. Perhaps naps might help? I am not sure, and I don’t know how much you take care of - or if a partner is in the picture - and how much they take care of? But either way I’m sorry it sucks so much. I hear it’s worth it big picture =)

        1 month ago

        I have an amazing wife and we share responsibility for our two kids. My 3y old sleeps well for the most part and our 1y old will get there, too.

        • cashmaggot@piefed.socialOP
          1 month ago

          Hey, that’s pretty cool. I am not sure at what age things get better but at least you’ll be out of the woods at some point? Do your kids share a room? Cause I was the oldest, but nightmares would always lead to us calming each other down and I was happy to be in close proximity when I was younger. It kinda helped in a “pack-mentality” sort of way. Cause no boogieman would dare take multiple children, but alone? You’re dead!

          I hope you guys have your ways to find rest =)

    1 month ago

    Seeing younger people easily overcome the hurdles we once struggled with.

  • cashmaggot@piefed.socialOP
    1 month ago

    A fun-tastic little shit blow-up I had two seconds ago at a certain pizza human (*On here, not at some freakin’ service worker) showed me that even though I age I am still the same little shit throwing monkey. There’s a super indulgent breakup song called Keep Your Name where the singer points out that his ex was changing and he’s always just felt the same. To be honest, no matter what I’ve been through I always just seem to be the same. Same! Me - I don’t know if that means I have just an absolutely solid sense of self, I am a wretched asshole, or there’s just all types in this world. And yes, I understand that people change no matter what. That’s life, you will change as you grow. Things will be added, things will be taken, and some stuff transforms. But I have a habit of writing out lists of things that I want and the overarching themes and idealisms have always been the same. Even my diet, while shifting here and there - always seems to be based off the same set wants (I am a chronic veggie lover, it’s really a problem). I have always found this very funny as a whole, because I cannot stay static as a person. Not sure if you’re heard (or figured it out) but I am ADHD as fuck. And even medicated, I crave that sweet, sweet chaos of change. Yet I seem to be me -> being me -> being me -> being me. It boggles my mind. Shrugs?

    1 month ago

    As I’ve watched the continued and utter destruction of our natural habitat, the increased pollution and started reading up on climate changes effects and Limits to Growth I realised I didn’t want to be part of what was happenig and wanted to distance myself as much as possible from the people who were. Being surrounded by people and things that make you sick in the mind and body is not what I wanted. It did take a near death experience to catalyse the thoughts into actions though.

    I had a change of life about 25 years ago, am now 57. I quit my job, my wife at the time didn’t want to take that journey with me, so got divorced. Now have a parter who does, live frugally (which I always mostly have, just back then I had lots of surplus income I invested, now only a little surplus income from said investments) and am debt free in a little cottage in a small town. A few missteps along the way, as I am not the all seeing eye.

    Looking back my regret was not doing it sooner, never been brave I guess ?

    Interesting segue, my next door neighbour is a recently retired crane operator who installed windfarms with mega cranes and before that was a lawyer and before that emigrated from another country.

    • cashmaggot@piefed.socialOP
      1 month ago

      I am so freakin’ unbelievably thankful to be with someone who didn’t start from a place of minimalism but ultimately arrived here. Because it just makes life so much easier. You don’t buy a bunch of junk. You don’t consume a bunch of junk. And simple comforts reign supreme. I am glad you guys are happy and you’re living simply. I am not sure what big picture will happen with us. By that I mean, I don’t know where we’re going to go or how we’re going to live. But I think a lot of stuff is up in the air for most. Glad you guys got to escape the rat race though.