Started up the car a little while ago and noticed some sudden shaking, stuttering, and boom check engine light comes on. I plug in my OBD meter and get the P0306 code.

Everything I’m reading/watching means that the 6th cylinder is misfiring and if it was P0305, the fifth cylinder, P0304, the fourth cylinder etc etc etc etc

Only problem is I drive a 4 cylinder engine…. How can my nonexistent sixth cylinder be misfiring???

Gonna start with checking the spark plugs and spark plug wires and go from there. I’ve only had this car a month and can’t even afford a bicycle if this thing goes (not joking). Wish me luck.

Checked the spark plugs and they look shot… but not in a bad way. Appears to be normal degradation. Going to replace them and the coils and keep my fingers crossed.