Small Business department clerk of city of Pleasant Hill said I can open LLC on virtual business address in order to get business lic. I opened LLC on a virtual address acquired with help of postal1: This is how it looks like

2120 Contra Costa Blvd #222

Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

Now when I came back they said it’s not a virtual business address, it’s PO box. I contacted postal1 support team, and they insist it’s virtual address because as per them “unlike a PO box, we are able to accept packages from any carrier/courier and are authorized to service the items (discard, scan, shred, ship)”.

Now I’d like to know who’s right and who’s wrong. Could it be qualified as virtual business address as postal1 ensures me, or not like clerk claims. However googling it did not let me to quickly figure it out. Is there a definition of such thing at all, or it’s a loose term?