In the past, not every hero had Aghanim scepter which was kind of imbalanced in the sense that an added skill or upgraded skill was given to selected heroes. Eventually, everyone was given scepter. Right now, a somewhat similar case, whereby only a selected number of heroes get innate ability which is kind of imbalanced towards those who doesn’t.

In addition, some of these innate ability stacks up as game goes on, further benefiting them. However, Heroes like medusa and ogre Magi do not have innate ability that has stack but only benefiting them with item.

In that sense, is it too crazy to give everyone a innate ability? Or do you feel that innate ability should just stay as is, to create uniqueness for these heroes.

  • LuminescentLadyB
    11 months ago

    I think we could use more passives, not sure if that’s necessarily as innates or just passives