We have a simple home(1 floor. 1bath. 2rooms) We live in a calm neighborhood, we don’t own extremely expensive things. And he wants a camera inside our home? For what? This camera can also record audio. We have a child together, we work and we come home. Why do we neeed a camera inside? I feel like it’s an invasion of privacy! I love being silly inside our home. I love yelling. I love singing annoyingly when I’m alone. Should I feel disrespected? Should he feel disrespected? He’s bringing out the “what do you have to hide card”.

  • BigTimeButNotReallyB
    10 months ago

    I have found great relief being able to remotely connect and make sure things are ‘OK’. For example, we were away during a tornado. Another time, my hot water heater leak alarm went off, I was able to log in and verify that it was a false alarm.

    Out of respect for my partner, I keep the mics off, unless I specifically turn them on to check.

  • Tal_StarB
    10 months ago

    I would be against it personally. That said one that covers the entry way might be acceptable but would be better if it was out side.

    Now if you had it installed and only used it when everyone was out side of the house that could be reasonable as well. Personally I doubt it’s to spy on you just wants a way to know whats going on when no one is home.

  • Drew_of_all_tradesB
    10 months ago

    “What do you have to hide?” should be canceled out by “What are you trying to see?”

  • LilB0kChoy@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    Without providing a compelling reason this would be highly suspect to me.

    We had a camera in our home for a while because we got a puppy. It was our way to keep an eye on him early on when we first started leaving him home alone.

    We talked about it first, both agreed to do it after I explained why I wanted to and it was local only, no video or audio sent out of the house.

    Once the dog got older I took it down and repurposed, now it’s the inside of the garage camera.

  • Geoffman05B
    10 months ago

    We have cameras covering the driveway, front yard, backyard, garage, family room downstairs and living room upstairs. The two inside cameras are angled to capture as much of the upper and lower living spaces as possible.

    • driveway so we can see people coming and going such as food or friends… if we had any.
    • front yard to cover anyone that may park in front of our house instead of driveway otherwise we wouldn’t know about them
    • backyard to keep an eye on the kid playing and knowing when the neighbor kids jump the fence to grab their balls
    • garage so my wife can yell at me when I’m doing something unsafe or a visual confirmation we closed the garage door (got an app for that but physically seeing it is more reassuring)
    • living room/family room to keep tabs on the kid when we are elsewhere in the house as well as to get a quick glance when we aren’t home and get worst-case scenario thoughts in our head

    Basically, I’d only question his motives if he wants to install a camera in the bedroom or bathroom.

  • val319B
    10 months ago

    I’m going to install one but it’ll be physically off unless I’m not home. It’s only for vacation and trips away. I do mean physically unplugged.

    It’s not about what you have to hide. I do not want to watch myself. Not when I’m making Dino noises making espresso. Not when I do something strange like trip over my own feet. Nope hard pass.

  • fart_huffer-B
    10 months ago

    I have a camera in my house and everyone knows it. It records 24/7 and saves several months back. I almost never check the recordings unless I’m trying to figure out which cat is knocking the lamp over. It’s too complicated to pull up footage for just casual viewing. I like being able to check on my home when I’m gone. Plus due to my professional experiences, it’s great evidence when someone breaks into your home. You think your outside cameras are enough to convict? Lmao nope! “Just because they broke in doesn’t mean my client stolen anything from the property”. It’s also great to check when a kid breaks their nose when you were only gone long enough to pee. Like how the f*ck did you break your nose in less than 1 min of me being gone?

    Also check state laws. In my state it’s perfectly legal to have a camera in a public space in the house without consent to others. It’s illegal in private areas without consent

    Btw you should post this to r/privacy