Im tired of seeing at least 1 toplaner building hullbreaker and just dominating top lane super hard, being almost unkillable and permanent a threat of ending the game solo.
It is so frustrating to play against it if your toplaner doesn’t buy it and duels the other hullbreaker toplaner for the whole game.
Example1: Garen is already hard to kill. Once he has hullbreaker and doesn’t go full retard, it is almost impossible to kill him. If your toplaner can’t match 1vs1 or doesn’t have the wave clear, you need to another person to hold the tower, which puts you in a bad place to contest objectives.
-> turns already winning top laner into Demi gods.
Example2: Ahri is super slippery and has an insane waveclear with statiks and hullbreaker. As you can’t kill her, if she respects her r cooldown, her team has easily one lane always pushing.
-> Champs that are very mobile can abuse it to perma push and there is almost nothing you can do about it.
Example3: Yone is already a pain to deal with if he is good in the game. A Yone that won top lane and build hullbreaker feels unbeatable. He is basically encouraged by the item to look for the 1vs1, 1vs2 or 1vs3. Feels pretty bad to see your team getting their ass whipped by a perma dashing tank assassin without mana and also losing an objective.
-> The item is just too good and shouldn’t have such an insane impact on the teams strategy.
Example4: Sion/Yorick: There are some players that basically don’t play the game. They just push with hullbreaker 24/7. Due to hullbreaker it doesn’t matter if the hullbreaker guy was 0/5 destroyed on lane. His push is still very deadly, if your team doesn’t coordinate well, which is basically a hallmark of soloq.
-> Hullbreaker turns the game for some player basically into a pve. I don’t like that this can be viable to win in soloq, as lol is a team game.
Please for the love of god, nerf splitpush Ahri. It’s basically the same story we had with LB.
I don’t appreciate to force the top laner to duel each other the whole game, if one of them decides to get hullbreaker.
In my eyes it also makes splitpushing too rewarding and too easy. Towers are already a joke without it.
An item that makes a player play basically a solo game shouldn’t be a thing in a team game imo.
What do you guys think?