I know that it wasn’t the most loved game mode in OW1 but I kind of, at this point, wish they would at least add the game mode back to the Arcade at least. Mainly because I miss the maps. I just realized how much I miss playing in Hanamura, Volskaya, and Temple of Anubis after seeing the push maps repeatedly the last couple of days. I am not saying that the maps themselves are bad but they seem to be basic city streets for the most part.

The dynamics of the moving and building parts in Volskaya were fun. The temples and cherry blossom trees in Hanamura added some amazing color. The Temple of Anubis was just so unlike any of the other maps with the giant statues and such. Hell, even the crazy low grav area of Horizon Lunar Colony added something that no other map had.

Not that there is anything inherently wrong with the new push maps, there just really isn’t anything about any of them that makes them stand out. I feel like when we lost the Assault maps, we lost some of the most vibrant and dynamic maps in the game.

I would love to see it added back into the game on the arcade. I am sure they would get played just as much as CTF…