Last 3 seasons:

  • Beal: 5.3 3PA @ 34% vs taking 73.5% of his shots from 2 @ 53.3%

  • Booker: 6.2 3PA @ 36.1% vs taking 69.1% of his shots from 2 @53.3%

  • KD: 5.2 3PA @ 40.8% vs taking 72.1% of his shots from 2 @ 58.7%(!)

I thought KD and Booker would adjust a little more this season but they are already playing the same low volume game from 3.

What are they going to do just midrange teams to death?

Obviously the answer to that is yes, and it’ll probably work more often than not but I can’t see a team succeed in the modern game when their 3 highest volume scorers prefer spamming midrange shots even if two of them are god tier shotmakers from there.