For example, i play Zeus a lot, every 1 lvl of Heavenlu jump reduces cooldown by 4 seconds, Zeus has 4 seconds cooldown reduction lvl10 talent, right now #1 spectated game has Zeus who took that talent at lvl10 or 11 and he has lvl1 Heavenly jump, why would he do that?

  • x1xyleasorB
    1 year ago

    Dota player brain doesn’t work like that. A few months ago people were analyzing why most lvl10 talents are not meant to be taken after you max out all your spells, they all got downvoted and some even fight back with dumb excuses to why lvl10 talents are good.

    It’s not optimal to do so, but the end of the day the micro and macro is what matters. I mean, Ana doesn’t even know how to agro creeps until the first TI.