There was a post about a screenshot of a post in another subreddit and I wanted to see what you think about those as storytelling device, especially in BJH.

IMO, dream sequences and drug trip sequences are best done when the writers actually use it to break out the character’s desires, hopes and dreams and show their psyche at the time. OR showing what they would want to do, but can’t do in everyday situations, because, you know, even if people have urges, they also can have strong moral principles to not act on urges.

Think about for example Far Cry games where the drug sequences are mostly to represent the character’s psyche at the moment, ESPECIALLY in FC3 where the main character was an actual written character and not a tabula rasa stoic grunt machine.

I THINK Bojack Horseman does dreams and trips pretty well. Funnily enough, after spouting all this about drug trips and dream sequences, I gotta confess I myself didn’t get the underwater episode at all, and don’t find myself enjoying it a lot. So there’s a counterpoint for my rant.