he really seems to be an outstanding coach his rotations and timeouts are always on point.

Sure he has the 2 time MVP Joker and All Star Caliber Murray but Malone has to start getting a lot more credit the same way Pop was given his flowers for the spurs dynasty.

We are a long way from there but it definitely seems like Denver has a Spurs like trio with Joker, Jamal and Malone the way San Antonio had Duncan, Ginobili and Pop.


how did you feel about the WHOSE YOUR DADDY chants from the fans?? It seemed to be in great fun and most people say they got a kick out of it.

Should the “Whose Your Daddy” nickname for Mike Malone stick??

aka Mike “Lakers Daddy” Malone

  • Large_MangoB
    11 months ago

    Lakers should have lost - hear me out

    Jokic v AD - Jokic LBJ v Gordon - LBJ MPJ v Prince - MPJ Pope v AR - Pope Murray v DLO - Murray

    Obv LBJ is amazing but when you’re center and your point guard are OWNING their counterparts - they SHOULD win the game. Full stop