I own a roofing company in Denver and have experienced tremendous growth in sales this year (our 4th year in business and should finish the year around $12.5 mil in total sales). We’re heading into our “off-season” soon and will have some time this winter to implement some changes/improvements to our team and systems. What have you done recently that was a game-changer for you and your business?

For instance, I was recently introduced to a company who provides VAs (from the Philippines) that specifically work with home services companies. If implemented correctly, this could be a huge savings on payroll, especially on non-customer facing tasks. There are a lot of things we need to have done that I could easily pay a VA $6-8/hr to do and shift those duties off of my $20-40/hr staff so they can focus on more high-level things. This would not only save money on payroll (or, at least allow me to hire more staff for the same annual cost), but also will free up my current staff to drive more business results/sales instead of being bogged down with some of the easy, but time consuming tasks.

This is just an example of what I’m asking about. Is there something you’ve done in your business that really improved your company’s profit?