well Man City have spend lot of money on players to win them the champions league,PSG Spend lot of money on players to treat as Brand,Roma wasted on players that cost them an debts from 2004 until this year and Man United spend on players that caused them very bad and players been very spoiled and rude

but UEFA gave them fines and they ended up get away with that caused fans thinking that it unfair for big clubs that spend lot of money while smaller clubs suffer

UEFA became corrupted even since when Jean Bosman decide to sue Belgian FA,RFC Liege and even UEFA at some point that it left the players go on free to different leagues

everyone else think that Jean Bosman did an good thing but for me i think Jean Bosman is an responble for UEFA been Corrupted

well i think UEFA Should have added Transfer and Wage Cap in like early 90s when Bosman sued them at some point but nope UEFA let Bosman accept free transfers that caused them became Corrupted

nowadays it seems i hear that Ceferin is added Transfer and Wage Cap to replace FFP and it will start in future

but now it was too little too late,anyways can you ask some questions about why UEFA didnt added Transfer and Wage Cap sooner and why they let PSG,Man City and Man United get away with for too long