In DOTA we have a behavior score and a communication score (relevant one here). If your score gets too low (some automated detection, some reports, etc), you lose the ability to voice chat, ping ally abilities, etc.
You can still mute enemy/ally anytime ofc to stop the above (not hear chat/VC, minimize pings that go through per minute, etc), it’s just an added layer where normal players are able to enjoy the benefits of pings/in game comms for optimal game play whereas those who abuse it lose their privileges.
I’m wondering why Riot doesn’t do the same for their ping restrictions? I don’t know what mechanism is in League for measuring player behavior but I recall mention of an honor system . Assuming it’s similar, just use it as a proxy - for well behaved players let them ping as usual, for toxic players restrict the amount they can ping. And of course, if a player gets muted, you can just make it so that minimal pings from the muted player goes to you.
It seems like a pretty simple solution over any kind of blanket adjustments that mess with gameplay from normal players.