I said it once I will say it 100 times. Zach Wilson is not only the worst QB in the league. He is potentially the worst QB of the modern era to start a full season, I have never seen anyone so bad.

We talk about his inability to make even the easiest passes, and his tendency to mess up the passes he does complete by always throwing it a second late and throwing a ball that hangs the receiver out to dry with no ability to extend the play .

What we don’t talk about nearly enough is the fact that he actively harms our O Line, not only by holding the ball an extra 2 seconds per play but by making O linemen move latterly far more then they are ever supposed to. He puts them at greater risk of injury every game.

The disgusting part is that it is not enough he sabotages our defense by not giving them points or time off the field. He puts them at greater risk of injury as well, defenses are not meant to be in all game with 2 min breaks.

The guy not only sucks but is a health risk to our other players.

We have one of the best rosters in football filled with studs who are suffering because of this man. The fact that fans will shit on the roster to defend him is horrendous. If I was a player busting my butt every play and had to hear fans blaming me for the same guy wasting my efforts just because he plays QB I would be livid.

We saw 3 qb’s put in Zach’s position , same line, same OC.

Flacco - led the league in passing yds till zach returned and terrorized us

White- has multiple GREAT. Performances that Zach has never touched . Yet to defend Zach as a starter we judged him by his 2 worst performances.

Johnson - player one game and looked better than Zach ever had in 30 games

Stop with the disrespect to our other players to defend this bum

  • nyfan2112B
    10 months ago

    I’m with you. It’s bad. Joe should’ve had the courage to move on in the off-season and keep White